Oak Street Saucy Chicken and Mushrooms
- 4 chicken thighs — whole, 2 chicken breasts — filleted, all deboned and skinned
- 3 tablespoons olive oil, the yummiest oil there is
- 8 cloves
- 2 bay leaves
- 3 tablespoons vinegar, red wine is fine, though anything but white will do
- 2 tablespoons agave
- 1½ cups sour cream
- Salt and pepper
- 1 cup chicken broth
- Flour
- 2 eight ounce packages of sliced portabella mushrooms
- Isn’t it odd to find a recipe without garlic on here?
Preheat oven to 350°.
- Season chicken with salt and pepper, dredge with flour.
- Brown chicken well in the hot olive oil in a wide pan with a tight-fitting lid, then insert 1 clove in each piece of chicken.
- Mix water, bay leaf, agave, vinegar and sour cream, and pour into dish.
- Top everything with the mushrooms, and season with salt and pepper. (maybe a teaspoon)
- Cover with lid, then bake about 1½ hours at 350°.
- Remove cloves and bay leaf, and serve!
Serves four people one Lena.