Soap: My first bars of soap
- 40 oz Olive Oil
- 10 oz Coconut Oil
- 16 oz Distilled Water
- 6.9 oz lye
- 1.5 – 2.2 oz of fragrance or essential oil
- Wear goggles and long sleeves
- Get plastic or glass pitcher for lye and water. Mix and set aside. Please people, do this outside.
- Mix soap in separate container and heat to reach same temperature as lye mix
- Pour lye mix into soap mix.
- Stir lightly with stickblender turned off
- After mixed a little, you an turn on the stick blender for about a minute
- Pour into molds and leave it alone for a few hours
- After it get hard you can cut it if needed and/or take out of molds
- Let cure for 6 weeks.
- Soap up!
This made a good bar of soap. All the coconut oil is a bit drying, so it makes a great “dirty hand” soap or very good when grated for making your own laundry detergent. Not a face soap. But, okay for body soap. Smells nice.
NOTES: Soap seized on me either because the temperatures were to different between the fats and the lye or because I over blended with stick blender. Also possible it had reaction to essential oil. Probably would have retained more scent if it hadn’t have seized. I think I did the temperatures wrong. The oil was a good tried brand for soap making. I didn’t have to blend as much as I did. It was just so damn fun. Whoops.
Lye brands: Roebie Crystal or Red Devil are good ones. You are looking for Sodium Hydroxide and nothing else. Check Lowes or Home Depot. I think I got the Roebie brand at Lowes.

I keep thinking of trying making soap but am concerned about the lye with the kids yet. Awfully tempting. And I REALLY need to get a stickblender.