Soap: My first bars of soap

  • 40 oz Olive Oil
  • 10 oz Coconut Oil
  • 16 oz Distilled Water
  • 6.9 oz lye
  • 1.5 – 2.2 oz of fragrance or essential oil
  1. Wear goggles and long sleeves
  2. Get plastic or glass pitcher for lye and water. Mix and set aside. Please people, do this outside.
  3. Mix soap in separate container and heat to reach same temperature as lye mix
  4. Pour lye mix into soap mix.
  5. Stir lightly with stickblender turned off
  6. After mixed a little, you an turn on the stick blender for about a minute
  7. Pour into molds and leave it alone for a few hours
  8. After it get hard you can cut it if needed and/or take out of molds
  9. Let cure for 6 weeks.
  10. Soap up!

This made a good bar of soap. All the coconut oil is a bit drying, so it makes a great “dirty hand” soap or very good when grated for making your own laundry detergent. Not a face soap. But, okay for body soap. Smells nice.

NOTES: Soap seized on me either because the temperatures were to different between the fats and the lye or because I over blended with stick blender. Also possible it had reaction to essential oil. Probably would have retained more scent if it hadn’t have seized. I think I did the temperatures wrong. The oil was a good tried brand for soap making. I didn’t have to blend as much as I did. It was just so damn fun. Whoops.

Lye brands: Roebie Crystal or Red Devil are good ones. You are looking for Sodium Hydroxide and nothing else. Check Lowes or Home Depot. I think I got the Roebie brand at Lowes.

Posted in on February 22, 2009
Recipe entered by: Lena


  1. Heather on May 2, 2009 at 12:00 pm

    I keep thinking of trying making soap but am concerned about the lye with the kids yet. Awfully tempting. And I REALLY need to get a stickblender.

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