Kevin’s InstantPot Pot Roast/ Stroganoff/ Stew-Thing-Dinner
You can go a couple of different directions with this recipe, depending on how long you simmer it for at the end. The longer the simmer, the saucier and less soupy it will be. It’s a matter of preference though. It’s pretty wonderful either way.

- A good-sized London broil (or any inexpensive cut of meat, really)
- Olive oil
- Flour (I use fine-milled almond flour.)
- ½ cup of red wine
- 2 cups of broth (I like chicken, but go where your heart takes you. It is a beef dish.)
- Soy sauce to taste
- 1 large onion, sliced thin
- 24 oz sliced mushrooms
- 16 oz of sour cream
- Noodles or rice or other grains or whatever you like to put stuff like this on
- Cube your London broil into 1-1½” pieces.
- In a large bowl, coat your beef with a liberal amount of flour.
- In olive oil, “Sauté” the meat on high until browned. (No pressure lid needed.)
- Add red wine, broth, and a minimal amount of soy sauce, (you’ll add more later) and with the lid, and “Stew” on high (45 minutes).
- Vent, and remove the pressure lid.
- Add onion and mushrooms and “Sauté” on high for about 30 minutes, until your veggies go soft. (OPTION: “Sauté” on low another 30 minutes or so to thicken the sauce. You can skip this if your wife comes home early.)
- Turn off the heat and let the boiling stop. When it does, stir in your sour cream and soy sauce to taste. As always with salt, go slow and keep adding in smallish amounts until you get it right. You can’t take it back out. This is also a good time to make your noodles or grains or whatever.
- Put the sauce on the noodles and put it in your face!
This was SO good!!!! It was like like pot roast soup!