Cupcakes – Two Servings
Adapted from
Basic 2 Serving Cupcake
- 6T flour
- heaping 1/8th tsp salt
- 2T applesauce, oil, pre-melted vegan butter, or a combo (Try coconut oil. I also like 13g sbl.)
- 2T plus 2 tsp liquid (nondairy milk or water)
- 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
- 1/2 tsp baking powder
- 3T agave (or honey, maple syrup, etc.)
- Preheat the oven to 330 degrees.
- Mix the ingredients and pour into an oiled (or sprayed) muffin pan.
- Cook for 12-15ish minutes.
NOTE: For chocolate cupcake substitute 1 T flour with 1 T of unsweetened cocoa
Vanilla Frosting
- 1/3 cup tofu
- 2-3 T almond butter
- scant 1/16th tsp salt
- 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
- 1T agave (or honey, maple syrup, etc.)
Blend everything in a blender, food processor, or Magic Bullet cup. This frosting is thicker when cold, so it’s a good idea to make it up ahead of time.
Chocolate Frosting
- 1/2 banana
- 4 T cocoa butter or coconut oil (the good kind)
- 2 T cocoa
- 1/16 teaspoon salt
- 1T agave (or other sweetener as needed)
Blend/Mix with blender/food processor or Magic Bullet.
NOTE: You can take this frosting recipe and smooth it into a small dish and let it set up in the refrigerator and it makes the most AMAZING fudge cake.